Sunday, December 29, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Samuel - Happy as a clam, in a Samuel-sized seat on Grandpa and Grandma's front porch.

We enjoyed a beautiful week filled with family for Christmas. We went for swims, ate loads of food and had heaps of down time. Exactly as Christmas should be.

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project. Last one for the year, but we'll be continuing next year as I'm loving watching him grow from week to week!

Sunday, December 22, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."
Samuel - caught mummy spying while he was busily chatting to his little buddy in the mirror!

This week has been hot, hot, hot and this little man had his first swim in a backyard swimming pool. He was quite the water-baby, happily swooshing around in the water without a care in the world. 
Samuel has been chewing on anything that he can fit in his mouth; there's no teeth yet, but I think they may be here soon. He also had his immunisations this week, and I'm so thankful that we don't have any more for another 6 months.

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."
Samuel - eyes always looking for Daddy

Andrew and I had our first date night in forever this week while Samuel happily slept at home in bed (while Aunty Hayley babysat) so happily in fact that he slept for a full NINE HOURS! Super excited mumma over here!

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Finders Keepers

My dear friend Mandy took us into the city on Saturday to finally experience the fabulous Finders Keepers markets. Samuel was on his best behaviour, so we got to have a couple of hours to browse the delightful stalls and enjoy the atmosphere. We left with a delicious snack of sweet potato crisps with some sort of basil dressing and a couple of goodies for Sam, and boy was it a fun way to spend our morning. I can't wait for the next one!


Saturday, December 7, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Samuel - happily blending in with the cool kids at the Sydney Finders keepers market

It's been a busy week for Samuel and I; we've had loads of trips out and about, getting ready for Christmas, whisking up to Newcastle and hanging out at the Finders Keepers Market. But my favourite of all was listening to a sweet little voice saying "mmmmummmmummmummmummummm...' even if it started at 4am.

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."
Samuel - peek-a-boo!

There have been many sleepless nights this week as well as noisy mornings as Samuel has been testing out his voice. As tired as I am from the little sleep, I can't help but smile as he tests how loud he can yell at 4am. I know I've said it before, but he really is the greatest joy in my life.

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Each morning, at around 7am, I throw on some form of tracky dacks and my running shoes, and head out for a walk with the pram. Samuel coos and giggles to me for a little bit until his eyes get heavy and he drifts off, and I call my mum for a chat. We talk about life, our gardens, what Sam has been up to and we reminisce about when we lived at the beach and used to have mother daughter time just the two of us.
I usually wander around the pond, past the ducks and local people out exercising until tiny feet start to wiggle and my little possum stretches himself awake. After the longest of nights, a peaceful walk in the morning helps me to clear my mind and keep me centred.   It started off as a way to get Sam to have a sleep in the morning, but now I look forward to the fresh air and stretching my legs, easing myself into a new day.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Samuel - looking less than impressed that I have my camera out again!


My little sweetie not only sat up unassisted this week, he also rolled onto his tummy all by himself, twice! This mumma is as proud as punch.

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.

Stills: A Weekly Collection

1. Finally, a beautiful rainy day. My garden loved the downpour, and I loved the excuse to snuggle in with tea and biscuits.
2. A sneak peek at our Christmas photos (which probably wont end up on cards due to my excellent procrastinating skills)
3. Yet another blissful rainy day at home.
4. Samuel inspecting the new growth of our Gardenias. He was impressed.
5. A very rare family photo, gosh I love these two!
6. And just like that, it was spring again.
7. Happily watching his dadda prune (while mumma popped an extra pillow next to him so she doesn't stress about how hard those tiles are!)

This week had us pretty housebound due to all the rain, which I really didn't mind as I am definitely a homebody, but it means that my photos are all garden or Sam shots. 
We've decided to have Christmas at our place this year, so I've started my decorating and I'm getting excited for Samuel's first Christmas. I think he's starting to get into the spirit of it too, as I have found him on several occasions with either a bauble or bell that he's snuck off the tree!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."
Samuel - not so sure about this "eating" business.

It has been a busy weekend filled with parties and people. We were in and out quite a lot, so I'm very much looking forward to a day at home tomorrow to catch up on housework and cuddles with my little guy. I did manage a trip to Ikea to get Sam a highchair this week, and this weekend we started on solids. Sitting next to his Dadda, Samuel got to try a mix of sweet potato with breastmilk, which he was quite undecided about. But he very much enjoyed sitting up in his own chair. His new favourite game involves dropping toys, cups and bowls off the edge of the high chair and watching his Mumma scramble to collect them all so he can start the game again. He's such a joy to be around, I love him so.
Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Samuel - I can't stop kissing those delightful cheeks!

Yesterday he turned five months old. Five beautiful, exhausting, wonderful months. I can't believe how much my life has changed since I've become a mum, how much more of myself I have to give, and how much bigger my heart is. 

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mountain Escape

My family moved to the mountains a few weeks after Samuel was born. They bought a beautiful 100 year old cottage with three fireplaces and a big backyard. Mum and Dad eagerly started work on beautiful gardens, including roses and a vegetable garden that has inspired me to attempt to grow my own. We even had the privilege of enjoying some of the fresh crops for our lunch the last time we visited. Although I will always miss living on the coast, it's so nice having an oasis in the mountains to escape to from time to time.


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Samuel - sunscreen in his hair, propped up on daddy's lap. 

He's changing so much each week, every day showing me a little more of his sweet personality. When I look back over photos from when he was first born, I can't believe how far we've already come. I'm really loving this mum gig.

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Stills: A Weekly Collection

1. I made my first batch of gingerbread cookies as a practice run for Christmas.
2. My boy in his bath, it's the sweetest thing watching him with his ducky.
3. Flowers from my darling, he always asks the florist for daisies because he knows they're my favourite.
4. On the grass, deep in thought.
5. Menial tasks made pretty with this peg basket.
6. Spending time with this girl.

I was really unwell this week, which could have potentially made me quite miserable, but there was so much to be thankful for. Andrew had a bunch of flowers delivered with a beautiful handwritten note, so I now get to enjoy gorgeous blooms throughout my home. My amazing sister Hayley came to stay and really saved the day; we made cookies, went for walks each morning and watered the garden. And my gorgeous Lizabeth visited today. She is my dearest friend and every time I see her it feels like home. So all in all, this week was pretty great.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Samuel - Always reaching, always tasting, always learning.

Linking to Jodi's weekly portrait challenge. I'm quite late in jumping on this bandwagon, as my "fourth trimester" was a real learning curve for me, but I'm excited to watch Samuel grow and change each week.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Stills: A Weekly Collection

1. Lunch out with beautiful miss Hayley where I finally managed to feel comfortable breastfeeding in public. 
2. The most delicious, easy dessert; cookies and cream ice cream sandwiched between Arnott's Lattice biscuits. Yum.
3. A moment between my boys (mess in the background, ripped singlet and all).
4. Rosy cheeks, drool and chewing on anything that will fit in that tiny mouth. Teething begins.

This week included a sick hubby, threats of bushfires to my family's new home in the mountains, some long nights, and one amazing night with only one wake up. Yes, you read correctly, between 7pm and 5:20am Samuel and I only got up once! This mumma is having a bit of a proud moment here. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Day With My Boys

Last Sunday, after having a serious bout of cabin fever, I decided it was time for the three of us to head to the beach and let the salty air fill our lungs. It had been far too long since the last time I had sand between my toes and the sound of waves crashing in my ears; to say it was good for my soul would be an understatement. Despite my pasty complexion, I do believe I was made to live where the ocean meets the sand; and one day, I know I'll be back. Until then, days like this will have to keep my heart full. 
This was Samuel's first time standing on the sand and I loved watching him taking it all in. I find it so hard to write about him because I have to use so much restraint or all of my posts would just be me gushing over him and how much I absolutely love him. It's getting quite ridiculous, this love I have for him. Love that I didn't even know existed within me. I can't believe that I used to worry, when I was pregnant, that I could never feel the way other mothers describe. This huge adoration they babble on about. But now, oh boy, now I realise that those other mothers were dialling it down so as not to sound like lunatics. A mothers love for her child is a force to be reckoned with indeed.
On that note, I'm going to go kiss my boy goodnight for the hundredth time and take in all of his deliciousness because I'm his mum and that's my job.