Sunday, February 16, 2014


"A portrait of my boy, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Samuel -  apple of his Daddy's eye.

Andrew took us on a little road trip over to Bowral in the southern highlands on Saturday morning for a warm breakfast out. Samuel was captivated by a little boy who was sharing a meal with his father, he was squirming and bending around in his high chair to try to get a better look. It made me look forward to seeing him grow and have special little mornings with his Dadda.  
On Friday, Samuel get really focused and sat up from laying on his back. I was quite shocked as he didn't have any help by holding onto something, he just stretched out his legs, and up he went! 
After a rough week of top teeth trying to push through, and a little person who has started fighting sleeps (especially in the night) it was a nice little milestone.
Here's hoping tonight Samuel will get back into going to sleep (in his own bed) by 7pm so mummy can have some rest.

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Monday Parkscapades

Andrew was away for work this weekend, and we felt the absence of his presence, so Monday morning we went off to the park to celebrate his return and spend some time away from the house together. GG (Grandma Garland) came along for some Samuel cuddles and we all explored a newfound park nearby. It was such a beautiful spot, lots of tall established trees, a gorgeous reflective lake and of course a swing set and slippery dip. I took Samuel down the slide and realised why they're made for little people when I distinctively heard it let out a sign as it buckled beneath me. 


"A portrait of my boy, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Samuel -  my little cuddly bear

It's been a rough couple of days here at the Garlands; two top teeth are trying to make their way into our bubby's mouth, and in the process are keeping us all awake. After hours of cuddles and pacing down the halls, we finally had some relief, with Samuel cuddled up between us in bed. And in that moment, there was nothing more beautiful in the world than my little cuddly bear gently breathing over my face. This love gets bigger every moment of every day.

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


"A portrait of my boy, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Samuel -  feeling a sense of accomplishment after knocking down ALL the pins!

We had our Samuel dedicated today. It was such a beautiful, overwhelming morning as his daddy and our church prayed over him. This boy of ours is truly loved.
His teething has finally come to a head with two teeth popping up this week. He's been a bit more grizzly and cuddly, but all in all, he has handled the whole thing with a sweet little smile on his face. This mumma's heart is full.

Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.