"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016"
Samuel James - He experienced his first ice cream from a Mr Whippy truck yesterday. He was covered head to toe and was as happy as a clam.
Matilda Grace - While I have been busily trying to organise the house, this little possum has been putting just as much effort into pulling the house apart. Every time I turn around, she has emptied the contents of another cupboard or drawer, or in this case, my peg basket. I love her curiosity and have to laugh at her insistence to make mess (if I didn't, I'd probably cry).
Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016"
Samuel James - He loved the beach! Oh how happy it made me to watch him filled with such joy, not scared of the waves or the chill in the water, just filled with joy.
Matilda Grace - My girl on the sand, tasting everything she could get her little hands on.
Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016"
Samuel James - In his own little world, playing with his animals.
Matilda Grace - She wants to play with whatever Samuel likes, he's still her favourite, despite his rough guidance to not touch his things.
Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016"
Samuel James - He's warming up to her and sometimes, I even catch them playing together.
Matilda Grace - In Grandma and Grandad's yard, exploring in the very warm Autumn sunshine.
Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016"
Samuel James - I like to step back and let him explore, but he always keeps an eye out for me to make sure I'm not too far behind.
Matilda Grace - Although she has been teething and awake a lot throughout the nights, she is always such a happy little bundle of sweetness.
Linking up with Jodi's 52 project.